Friday, July 20, 2007

Stay Tuned....

We made it to Portland in one piece! Stay tuned for our adventures in the Rose City!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Getting Ready

It's finally hitting me that we're leaving the Bay Area in the next couple weeks. We have an apartment in Portland, we booked a mover, and bought a plane ticket. Today, I start the packing. Blech.

I'm excited about our move, but at the same time, I will miss San Francisco. I'll miss long walks through Golden Gate Park, our corner farmer's market, the sound of the MUNI train, even our small old apartment and all its idiosyncracies.

There are still parts of San Fran that I haven't explored yet, but that's okay. We're pretty sure we'll be back to visit.

We won't know anyone in Portland, but we're pretty sure we'll meet people through ESK and church. To the left is ESK's friend BK (born 3 days before E) who also just left San Francisco last week. If you can't tell, they're holding hands. Us two moms were going crazy during this photo shoot.

We visited Portland a few weeks ago, and just walking around got me pretty excited. Even E seemed to be taking in her new surroundings. The apartment we found is in a great neighborhood full of galleries, restaurants and shopping! Visitors are welcome!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Less Hair, More Poop

I realized I've been reading everyone else's blogs, but haven't updated my own in almost a month! Yikes.

What's new with me? Well, rampant hair loss is what's happening. Everytime I run my fingers through my hair, a clump falls out. And I can see much more of my scalp than I ever have in my life!
My sister warned me about this post-pregnancy stage, but didn't realize how icky it was until it actually happened to me. My hair is everywhere but on my head it seems. SK keeps complaining about all the hair I'm leaving around the apartment. Little E has strands of my hair in her fists and sometimes I even find strands in the folds of her chubby little neck (or non-neck I guess would be more accurate).
While I've been losing my hair, ESK is teething and as a result, I think her BMs are affected. She's been pooping so much lately! And its the loose, watery kind of poops, so it gets everywhere. I don't know what's normal, but I change ESK's outfits several times a day because of poop stains.

As a result, SK and I have thought of many poop-related nicknames for little ESK. Here's a few: Poopie Monster, Poopie Longstockings, Poopie Galore, Octopoopie, Poopie McPoopie from Pooptown... We think of new ones every couple of days as we're continually amazed by the amount of excrement this little one can produce. Please share any scatalogically humorous names you can think of.

Speaking of poopie monsters... here's a few pictures of my little niece G during our visit to Philly. G was a good older cousin, but she was very interested in baby things. For example, she insisted on wearing her little cousin's size 2 Elmo diapers (which of course gave her a wedgie) and crawling into the infant car seat. Here's G caught in the act:

And here's G playing with ESK's pacifier. ESK looks a little annoyed:

Finally, here's GMK showing off her signature "pound" move with her uncle SK:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

ESK Loves Ella Funt

ESK is growing up so fast. It seems just yesterday she was swimming in all her clothes and she was this wrinkled, helpless, little thing. Of course, she's still pretty much helpless, but she is definitely becoming more aware of her surroundings and is starting to put things in her mouth. Like her favorite toy -- Ella Funt. (I got that from the Beverly Cleary "Ramona" books. Remember Ramona Quimby had a stuffed elephant named "Ella Funt" and a baby doll named "Chevrolet"?) She plays with Ella Funt's crinkly ears, pokes at the eyes, bats at the rattle feet, then tries to put the trunk in her mouth.

These days I've been busy with a freelance writing project I picked up. It's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, simply because it's difficult to get a large chunk of time away from ESK where I can really sit down and concentrate. I've been going on some interviews with ESK in tow and it has worked out for the most part. She's a pretty chill baby.

At an interview yesterday however, she was whining in her car seat and wouldn't settle down. So I had to pick her up to calm her down. She started whining again as soon as her head hit the car seat, so I put a very squirmy ESK on my lap and continued on with the interview. I must have been quite a sight since I was furiously typing on my laptop and then stopping every now and then to grab a hold of ESK who threatened to wriggle out of my lap. On top of all of that, I've had this weird flu the past couple days and had a stuffed up nose and a sinus headache.

I was kinda embarrassed, but luckily, the guy I was interviewing was a father of three and was pretty understanding. I think he probably thought it was funny. At least I hope.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Post-pregnancy Changes

Now that it's been three months, I'm taking stock of my body and seeing what changes are permanent. RBK warned me that things would not be the same after pregnancy and indeed, they are not! Mostly, there are bulges where there were not bulges. And while my feet have not grown dramatically or anything, my shoes do not fit the same, as if my foot bones shifted or something.

And today, I read this in the Wall Street Journal:

"One study suggests that motherhood may permanently alter the brain's memory and learning centers, according to a November 1999 report in Nature. In rat studies, rat mothers did a better job finding food and navigating mazes than rats who hadn't given birth. The theory is that the hormones of pregnancy as well as the powerful sensory events of motherhood, such as childbirth and breast-feeding, may permanently alter the brain, equipping mothers with enhanced cognitive abilities that help them care for their young."

So, it's possible that my brain is also altering! I guess this means that I'm getting better at finding grocery stores and child-friendly restaurants? The rest of the article went on to talk about how mothers are often the ones in charge of a family's health care and how mothers' instincts about a child/spouse's health are uncannily correct. The author brought up examples of mothers who just knew there was something wrong with their child, even though the children had no visible symptoms and the women had no medical training.

I'm just a new mom, but I hope to pick up this "cognitive ability" soon. Sometimes when I'm holding ESK or watching her, I shudder with fear at the thought of any harm befalling her. It's such a scary notion!

And to end this entry on a brighter note.... ESK has been doing her tummy time and is finally showing progress. Yay ESK!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Baby In Training

When it comes to baby ESK, SK and I consider ourselves to be lucky. We had a very smooth pregnancy, comparatively easy delivery, and a quick recovery. And we've heard over and over again that ESK is a good baby -- easy-going and docile.

For the most part, I agree that she is an easy baby. She sleeps well during the day, has no problem with eating, talks (baby talk that is) a lot, smiles, laughs...

But between the hours of 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., she turns into another baby -- a crying, fussing, hyperactive, cranky baby. Arms go a-flailin', cries are piercing and loud, tears are a-flowin'. Once she falls asleep, she's out for a good six hours at least. Which is great, but not good enough. This has been going on for about two or three weeks now.

So starting yesterday, we are putting ESK into sleep training. Our arms and backs can't take it anymore and now that she's 3 months (!!!) we think she's ready to really start sleeping through the night. I talked to my sister yesterday and found out her cousin GMK slept from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. when she was this age.

This means more work for me since I'll need to start logging her sleep/waking hours in spreadsheet-style manner and really start watching her for her sleep cues. But ultimately, I'm hoping this will mean more relaxation time in the evenings for both SK and me! We need it!

ESK Survives The Rock
Our days in the Bay Area are limited, so SK and I are trying to do as many touristy things as possible before we leave. Last week, SK had some days off, so we finally made a trip out to Alcatraz Island (immortalized in the cinema classic "The Rock", starring Nic Cage and Sean Connery).

Sight-seeing with a baby isn't that easy. Gone are the days when we could just grab our jackets and go out the door. We made sure we had an extra bottle of milk, plenty of diapers, change of clothing, extra blanket, etc. And even though we gave ourselves an extra cushion of time, we hustled to make our scheduled ferry trip across the bay and made it just as it was boarding.

All the effort was worth it. It was an interesting tour and made me glad that I did not choose a life of crime! So depressing! This jail in particular seemed especially cruel because the prisoners could see sparkling San Francisco and its free and fair denizens from their jail every day.

Here's a photo of lil' ESK being scared straight. We figured a few moments in a dark jail cell would keep her on the straight and narrow. Alas... she slept through the entire tour!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hit or Miss

Here's one of my favorite pics of ESK. Hee hee.. and the next one is of her winking.... I think she looks more like her daddy than her mommy.

It's amazing to see little ESK grow and develop. She has just started smiling back at us when we make funny faces at her. In the early morning, when she's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I'm bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived, we have these funny little conversations with each other. She gurgles and cooes and I try to respond with some of my own nonsensical noises.

She's still just a little tiny ball of protoplasm, but she's starting to be more fun to interact with. The only time we don't find her particularly cute or fun is late at night when she refuses to go to sleep. Her overnight sleep patterns are definitely hit or miss. Some nights she'll be a good baby and only require one feeding. Other nights, she gets overtired and excited and eventually spirals into meltdowns. That's when SK and I want to tear our hair out.

To make matters worse, lil' ESK really does not prefer to sleep in her crib. She usually falls asleep on my chest and then I have to sneak her into her crib. It's such an ordeal. Some evenings, I just dread bedtime... We just have no idea what to expect.

Uh oh... sounds like ESK just got up from her nap. Gotta run! Here's another favorite photo of ESK:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Introducing... ESK!

A long overdue post (RBK -- put me back on your bookmarks!). This one will be short, but sweet. Above is our little pumpkin at one day old.

More to come!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Home Stretch

I'm feeling rather large these days (see photo for proof). We're hitting the home stretch and I'm a mix of all kinds of emotions these days. Sometimes I'm nervous, other times a little cranky, and other times I'm even able to forget that I'm pregnant and all is good in the world. And then I look down at my belly and am quickly reminded of the inescapable series of events that I'm just waiting around for....

Earlier this week, I passed by the front entrance of the hospital I'll be delivering at and imagined myself going through the doors w/ my overnight bag. I started tearing up for some unexplicable reason, right there on the sidewalk. Kinda embarassing.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm generally excited about having and meeting my baby. But right now, the idea of giving birth to a little human being is kinda overwhelming. And sometimes I wonder what my life will be like after the baby is here and I have doubts over whether I'll be a good mother. What if I'm actually more selfish than I thought and resent being tied down by motherhood?

Besides being a mess of hormonal emotions these days, I'm feeling enormously blessed by the excited friends and family that call or email every day checking on my progress. And earlier this week, our church community group organized a surprise baby shower. It was the first surprise party I've ever had thrown for me and it was completely unexpected. I almost didn't go because I was feeling really tired, but SK dragged me. Of course, I nearly cried when I realized what was going on.

This weekend , SK and I have to work on baby names. When we first found out we were pregnant, we were constantly throwing out possibilities while eating dinner, driving the car, lying in bed as we fell asleep, etc. But since then, we put the task of baby naming on the back burner. We jokingly considered naming the baby Garcia or Westbrook if the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl. Not that either were actually serious options.... Point is, we really have to get serious this weekend and pick a name. Wish us luck.