Thursday, June 14, 2007

Less Hair, More Poop

I realized I've been reading everyone else's blogs, but haven't updated my own in almost a month! Yikes.

What's new with me? Well, rampant hair loss is what's happening. Everytime I run my fingers through my hair, a clump falls out. And I can see much more of my scalp than I ever have in my life!
My sister warned me about this post-pregnancy stage, but didn't realize how icky it was until it actually happened to me. My hair is everywhere but on my head it seems. SK keeps complaining about all the hair I'm leaving around the apartment. Little E has strands of my hair in her fists and sometimes I even find strands in the folds of her chubby little neck (or non-neck I guess would be more accurate).
While I've been losing my hair, ESK is teething and as a result, I think her BMs are affected. She's been pooping so much lately! And its the loose, watery kind of poops, so it gets everywhere. I don't know what's normal, but I change ESK's outfits several times a day because of poop stains.

As a result, SK and I have thought of many poop-related nicknames for little ESK. Here's a few: Poopie Monster, Poopie Longstockings, Poopie Galore, Octopoopie, Poopie McPoopie from Pooptown... We think of new ones every couple of days as we're continually amazed by the amount of excrement this little one can produce. Please share any scatalogically humorous names you can think of.

Speaking of poopie monsters... here's a few pictures of my little niece G during our visit to Philly. G was a good older cousin, but she was very interested in baby things. For example, she insisted on wearing her little cousin's size 2 Elmo diapers (which of course gave her a wedgie) and crawling into the infant car seat. Here's G caught in the act:

And here's G playing with ESK's pacifier. ESK looks a little annoyed:

Finally, here's GMK showing off her signature "pound" move with her uncle SK:


Allie said...

G looks so big compared to E. Ah! Yes, that phase. I still can't figure out how to get the infant poop stains out of clothes. That mustard color just doesn't seem to wash out completely. Love the Poopie nicknames. LOL!!

RBK said...

i almost spit out my popcorn reading your poopie nicknames. too funny! i must admit that ESK definitely has the most explosive poops i've ever seen. how about Poopenstein? or Poopnugget?

jl said...

too cute!

yellowinter said...

hmmm... C suggests, "super pooper." :) i miss GMK. she was a good noona for our N. :)