Friday, September 08, 2006


i'm preggers!

sk and i were not planning on having a baby this year, but i guess it was just meant to be. we call the baby our "love child".

we're both still in shock since, not only were we surprised by the pregnancy, but how far along we are in the process! apparently, i've been pregnant for quite a while and the baby will be here much sooner than we could have ever imagined! sk and i went to see the OB/GYN on wednesday and afterwards, we were both in a daze.

how is it possible that i didn't know i was preggers? i feel rather stupid for not really knowing my body better, but there are LOGICAL reasons for why i've been so clueless. long story...

anyway, sk and i are both elated and excited about the little one on the way. but really, we're still in shock.


jl said...

holy moly!

congratulations! what a surprise! i'll talk to you later about the details! hope you are feeling better!

RBK said...

heh heh. i crack up whenever i think about it. but what a blessing!

yellowinter said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i think we might be due around the same time. how funny is that! we'll have to share preggo stories. :)
and i second allie's comment about not knowing. yeah, consider yourself blessed for not feeling the torture of constant nausea. it really is torture...
anyways, enjoy this time~ oh, and enjoy your sis and niece. GMK will have a cousin soon! yeah~

Jin C said...

OH MY!! or should I say OH Congratulations!

Jin C said...

Um... J, we only have 2 girls. I think your pregnancy is even affecting your counting.