Family Visit
RBK, lil' GMK, KCK and my mom visited last week. I had so much fun just hanging out with them, even though it was tiring. One thing that really struck me, especially with the news of my own pregnancy, was how life really switches focuses once you have a child. I'm feeling that more intensely these days and mentally preparing for it. Doing anything and going anywhere with a child is a bigger production, even a trip to the store. It was tiring for everyone keeping up with GMK during the week. By weeks end, I was especially appreciative of my sis for making the long trek out to Cali.
But oh, the joys that babies bring! It was amazing to see GMK toddling around and learning to talk. She is like a little sponge, just absorbing everything in around her. It's amazing to me that she's reached the stage where she expresses her likes/dislikes and preferences.

For example, at the dinner table, she practically knows how to order her own dinner. Blueberries? Yes. Green beans? No, but please pass the milk. She communicates through her baby signing, vigorous nods and body shakes of course.
It's also amazing to me that I'm going to have my own version of GMK so soon!
All in all, it was a great visit. You can read more about it at
RBK's blog.
yeah, it is pretty amazing... even though i'm mentally preparing myself, i know that when the actual time comes, it will be soooo different. let's enjoy this time we've got left just with our hubbies and also the pregnancy. you look FABULOUS, btw. :)
uy. i need to go on a diet. it was fun... exhausting, but fun.
Looked like so much fun! Puhleeze, RBK! No diet needed!
Yes, having kids is exhausting.
One advice... SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP as much as you can before the baby comes!! Because once you have a baby, you'll never be able to sleep as much as you would like.
WWHHEEE!!! looks like gmk was having fun hang time. :D
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