I don't see what the big deal is about Labor Day. Especially now that I'm not working. Although, it'll be nice to have SK around for another extra day during the week. I suspect however that he has a fantasy football draft on Monday....
We're leaving tonight for a short trip to Monterey. We hope to see lots of sea lions and fishies at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We sure do seem to be into sea wildlife these days, huh? I guess that's kinda strange.
Speaking of labor, I'm in the midst of a job search. I'm in this weird situation because we don't know where we're going to be in a year. So, do I just take any old job and quit when SK is done with his fellowship? If I'm going to be working at all, I'd rather take a job that I won't be bored with. Otherwise, I'd rather sit at home and be bored.

People said it turned out great, but we were just happy to have gotten through it without tripping over ourselves and being candidates for "America's Funniest Home Videos".
Happy Labor Day to my small but devoted group of readers!
you guys were great! PL and I did the junior high dance. I wish we did take lessons though.
get a job at a department store or something and get discounts for a year. I always wanted to do that...
it's awesome that you guys go places.
happy labor day... doesn't make sense to me. all the stores are open.. shouldn't it be a day of rest for laborers?
yes, you were great in your dance. i was v. impressed with your hubs.
yes, get a job where i can get discounts through you :P
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