Monday, August 21, 2006

Lazy Weekend

SK and I had a really lazy weekend. He was on call so we couldn't really stray far from home. It was a crappy weekend in terms of the weather anyway (it is seriously cold outside), so it was a good couple days to just stay in.

We watched a lot of the PGA championship on TV. Tiger Woods is amazing. He just wiped his goong-daeng-ee with everyone else's score cards. Inspired, SK and I went to the driving range twice over the weekend. I still suck and need to get some lessons.

SK and I are both quite happy to have found this driving range/golf course within a five minute drive of our apartment. The course is public, but it's pretty darn nice (newly renovated) and fairly affordable. Once I get good enough, I might give it a try.

Owing to the bad weather, we saw two movies this weekend -- Miami Vice at the theater and V for Vendetta on DVD. Miami Vice was okay, a video rental. SK and I both are big Michael Mann fans (director of Heat and Collateral), and while it was still in his signature striking cinematic style (dark, dazzling), poor performances from Colin Farrell and Gong Li really hurt the film. They play lovers and their relationship is totally unbelievable since they have absolutely zero chemistry. Also Colin Farrell looks bad in this movie. He's sporting too much facial hair and looks bloated.

V for Vendetta was a better movie. Very interesting. Done by the Wachovski (spelling?) brothers of Matrix fame. It has a political message to it of course, and you don't even get to see the main character's face, but I thought it was well done, even though Natalie Portman's British accent was a little off. Made me want to read the comic series. However, as a warning, it's fairly violent and is a dark interpretation of the future. Even when the good guys win, it's not all roses and sunshine.


RBK said...

ooooh, if you're not working when we visit, let's play golf!

jl said...

lazy weekend? Wow, you did more than what we do in a month.
Hope you are doing well!