Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My sister EK was here to visit this weekend for a last minute vacation. It was great to see her and I hope she had a good time. We really had a packed weekend -- shopping, Fisherman's Wharf, Ferry Building, Napa, hiking, and even a Giants baseball game (thanks to a friend with some extra tix). We had some pretty awesome seats behind home plate and sat behind Barry Bond's family. Mrs. Bond was sporting some pretty serious bling.

Overall, we did some serious eating this weekend. Thai on Thursday, gourmet fast food at Taylor's on Friday, wine and cheese on Saturday, Korean food and garlic fries last night. One of the things that worries me about San Fran is that there is some really great food here -- which means some extra poundage for me. There's a diverse variety of restaurants (including some excellent Asian food) and the produce is just so good! All the fruits and veggies I buy at the market are fresh and delicious.


On Sunday after church, SK and I went on a hike in Marin County with some of his co-workers. When we agreed to go on this hike, it was billed as a leisurely stroll through Muir Woods. But the parking lot was full and the shuttle was full, so on the suggestion of a stranger, we decided to try a more challenging course called the Dipsea Trail. Our leisurely stroll turned into a 7-plus mile hike, the first two miles of which was almost completely comprised of a series of steep wooden stairs. Another part of the trail was wiped out by a landslide so we had to pick our way across. Then there was the middle part of the trail that was called "Cardiac Hill"....

Our fearless leader (one of SK's co-workers) was clearly in shape and pressed on ahead, seemingly without regard for anyone's else's level of physical fitness. I was starting to get pretty bitter, especially since she was the only one wearing hiking shoes and well-equipped with nuts and a water bottle in a dorky hiking fanny pack. The rest of us were a rag tag group wearing sneaks, some in jeans, and SK carried our water bottles in a large plastic Bed Bath & Beyond bag slung over his shoulder like a sack.

But then we caught a view of the Pacific Ocean and the trail leveled out and ended at lovely Stinson Beach. And after a fresh meal at a local cafe, the bitterness washed away and the pain all seemed worth it.

1 comment:

RBK said...

how very rude of miss fannypack! so jealous of your weekend adventures with munch-munch. i miss good korean food!!!!!!