It's amazing to see little ESK grow and develop. She has just started smiling back at us when we make funny faces at her. In the early morning, when she's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I'm bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived, we have these funny little conversations with each other. She gurgles and cooes and I try to respond with some of my own nonsensical noises.
She's still just a little tiny ball of protoplasm, but she's starting to
To make matters worse, lil' ESK really does not prefer to sleep in her crib. She usually falls asleep on my chest and then I have to sneak her into her crib. It's such an ordeal. Some evenings, I just dread bedtime... We just have no idea what to expect.
Uh oh... sounds like ESK just got up from her nap. Gotta run! Here's another favorite photo of ESK: