So it's been pointed out that I haven't posted in awhile. But between a new job, a number of out-of-town visitors, and weekend activities, it's been tough. Update blog or do laundry that has been piling up for 3 weeks? Post entry or chase around dust bunnies in apartment the size of...well, bunnies? The busy-ness has mostly been of the fun variety (since SK and I are trying to fit in as much FUN before the baby as possible), but we're also really tired. Sometimes, we miss the days when we just vegged out with a good movie rental or a re-run of Law & Order SVU.
Old Friend

We were generally pretty silly together for most of the day. We had lunch, explored one of SF's many independent bookstores (not many B&Ns or Borders here), and drooled over yummy gourmet foods in the Ferry Building. Here's a picture of me satisfying a pregnant-woman-cheese craving.
And below is a picture of me trying to take a picture of HH at the Ferry Building in front of a beautiful florist stand. We were "pretending" to be cheesy tourists. I think you can see the beginnings of a pregnant belly here. New job
I started working at UCSF about 3 weeks ago and so far so good. Of course, there are the office oddballs (including someone who reminds me a bit of the stapler guy from Office Space) but almost every office has THAT guy. Otherwise, perks of the job include seeing my hubby almost every day, a great view of the Pacific Ocean from my office, and a boss who is a genius (his mind works at warp speeds) but also a genuinely nice person.
Eagles in SF SK bought a large block of tickets for the Eagles v. 49ers game several weeks ago. Our cousin PJ flew in from San Diego, and some friends flew in from NYC and PHL. I played tour guide to our very laid back cousin who I'm just getting to know as an adult. I've only known him as my little cousin -- not so little anymore (see left)! At any rate, the game was a very good time, especially since we steamrolled over the Niners and there were a lot of Eagles fans in attendance. I'll post more pics from the game in another post.
The Blue AngelsThis was an amazing air show. I had seen and heard (the roar of a fighter plane is deafening) the F-18's flying overhead during the week, but to see them perform a choreographed routine was truly a treat. We staked out a spot on Crissy Field (which is actually a beach) with a picnic lunch, a view of the Bay, sailboats bobbing up and down and the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.
The first time I saw theF-18s fly overhead in tight formation, I got a lump in my throat and felt tears coming to my eyes. I guess I was just awed by the power and grace of these amazing machines. And I suppose it had something to do with pregnancy hormones.
We tried to take some pictures, but honestly, pictures and fighter planes do not go well together. They fly too fast! And also, pictures don't capture the sound and speed generated by these beasts.
Weekend in PHL
Last but not least, SK and I took a quick trip to Philly for my parents' 60th birthday celebration. Once we got to Philly, it was like we never left. Driving around made me realize how uniquely beautiful the PHL-suburban area really is -- lots of lush greenery, rolling hills everywhere, winding roads, and beautiful traditional homes.
RBK, EMK and I got a chance to just veg-out girlie style, eat some really bad for you ice cream, sit around in our PJs on a bed and just be silly. I realized that when we hang out, we don't really do or talk about anything in particular, but somehow it's still fun.
It was great to see my entire family, hang out with the sisters, and see lil' GMK. The birthday dinner we planned for my parents went well and I think they had a good time. But the real star of the dinner (and really of the whole weekend), was GMK! All eyes were on GMK and all her little antics. Here's GMK as a good, clean, angel:And here's a picture of GMK as dirty, lil' piggy, feasting on a meal of buttered noodles: